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Our Philosophy

Dr. Aboulmouna is currently on maternity leave and will resume seeing patients the week of September 1, 2024. Please schedule all new or return visits for that date onward. 
Thank you! 

Our Philosophy

Evidence - Based


Root - Cause 

Personalized Care



Treat the Whole Person

Patient Education


Our Specialties

Woman in Pain

Gastrointestinal health is at the center of good health and is is responsible for:  nutrient absorption, removing toxins, immune health, mood health, etc..


IBD, Crohns, IBS, SIBO, dysbiosis, Acid Reflux (GERD), Constipation, Diarrhea, Ulcers, Abdominal pain.





& Gastrointestinal Health

Digestion & Gastrointestinal Health
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Senior Man Portrait

Diabetes does not need to be a life-long diagnosis.  


With proper assessment, treatment, and lifestyle changes, patients can improve quality of life and avoid other health complications associated with a diagnosis.



Pre - Diabetes & Diabetes

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Woman in White
Thyroid Health

Thyroid conditions are one of the most under-diagnosed and mis-treated.  With early detection and a thorough assessment, a individualized treatment can improve symptoms and thyroid function.


Symptoms can include fatigue, weight gain, depression, cognitive impairment, constipation, digestive discomfort, dry skin, hair loss, etc.



Thyroid Health

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Pregnant Photography

Addressing underlying health and hormonal imbalances can help



restore optimum fertility for both men and women.

Male & Female Fertility

Male & Female Fertility
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Checking Weight

Being overweight significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity, and inflammatory conditions.


Individualized treatment involves hormone balance, healthy diet /fasting, physical activity, increasing resting metabolic rate, and restore GI health.


Weight Loss & Metabolism

Weight Loss & Metabolism
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Stressed Man

Persistent insomnia has been correlated with cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and increased mortality. 


An individualized plan, can help improve sleep and quality of life. 


Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress, Depression, fatigue


Insomnia & Stress

Insomnia & Stress
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Confident Woman

Women's Health

Hormone imbalances are common and often times left untreated.

With our individualized treatments, we can help you restore hormonal balance and wellbeing.


Irregular cycle, painful periods, PMS, PCOS, Menopause

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Man with Scarf

Chronic pain can be a result of underlying inflammatory processes.


Our individualized treatments offer paths to healing and restoring balance, giving you more options than anti-inflammatory and pain killer drugs.

Chronic Pain

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Woman in Grey Suit

Personalized treatment will improve both the health and appearance of your skin. Individual assessment includes dietary habits, toxins, mind-body wellness, and hormonal balance. 


Acne, Dry/oily skin, Skin aging, Hormone imbalance, Collagen support/ restoration

Acne & Anti-aging

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Skin & Anti-aging
About Us

About Us


Hello!  My name is Dr. Nancy Aboulmouna and I'm a physician, nutritionist, educator, and an advocate for integrative medicine. In light of the recent COVID pandemic, I currently also operate as a Quarantine Medical Officer (QMO) working for the CDC's Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ).  

As a licensed naturopathic physician and having practiced Integrative and Functional medicine, I understand the significant impact it has on both chronic and acute conditions.  Many of my patients have been living with conditions for years, with no effective treatment available to improve their quality of life.  There is nothing more rewarding than knowing the positive impact our therapeutic and individualized treatments have had on restoring balance and health.

Prior to opening our doors here at Cedars Natural Healthcare (CNH), I practiced naturopathic, and integrative and functional medicine at the George Washington University Center of Integrative Medicine (GWCIM).  Our CNH clinic is now a partner of GWCIM, expanding access to a broader range of services for our patients....

Dr. Nancy Aboulmouna, N MD


Patient Testimonials

"My primary care physician diagnosed me with pre-diabetes and elevated cholesterol.  Rather than immediately starting metformin and statins, I sought alternative measures. Within months of being treated with Dr. Aboulmouna's comprehensive approach, my cholesterol and blood sugar labs began to improve. I am forever grateful as this has change my quality and way of life!"


— R.E

Free Consult

Your Health Starts Here
Contact us / Inquiry


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Washington DC, 20016

Phone   202 - 455-8515


Fax 571-701-1942

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